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Selling your home in 2024 - everything you need to know

As we move into a new year, it’s time to talk about the property market and what lies ahead if you’re thinking about a move. In this article, we’ll navigate inevitable ups and downs, opportunities, and considerations with professional advice and insight. And boy, have there been some ups and downs recently!



As we move into a new year, it’s time to talk about the property market and what lies ahead if you’re thinking about a move. In this article, we’ll navigate inevitable ups and downs, opportunities, and considerations with professional advice and insight. And boy, have there been some ups and downs recently!

The past few years have been a rollercoaster for our sector, from the frenetic pace set post-Covid to the more careful, considered decisions we’re seeing right now. Whether you’re considering selling your family home or an investment property, it’s crucial to understand current market conditions.

Are you ready to explore exactly what’s involved in selling your home in 2024? Let’s delve into our predictions for this year’s property market and the key steps that will be important as you prepare for a successful sale.

Our Market Predictions for 2024

As we look ahead to the coming year, the housing market is poised for a refreshing return to normality. After years marked by unheard-of changes - rapid sales, record prices and a ‘race for space’, thankfully the market is finally steadying itself.

At Bartlett and Partners, we foresee a more balanced market moving away from extremes. With inflation getting under control and the Bank of England’s interest rate hikes reaching their peak, property prices are realigning with wage growth, meaning home ownership is becoming more accessible again. Demand and supply are falling into balance and prices are more stable - which is good news for both buyers and sellers!

Read our recent article Keeping Up With The Property Market: Unveiling The Latest Insights for more helpful information.

Buyer Priorities in 2024

In 2024, we’re expecting buyer priorities to evolve significantly. What’s happening is that prospective homeowners are adopting a longer-term perspective when it comes to thinking about buying a new property.

People are now thinking approximately a decade ahead, rather than viewing their home as a short-term step on the property ladder. This forward-thinking approach means homeowners have much broader considerations, such as the size of their family, school catchments, and their overall lifestyle needs.

We expect the majority of buyers in 2024 to be thinking about a much deeper, more thoughtful relationship with a potential property… one that balances their immediate desires with long-term plans and saving for the future.

This understanding of what buyers are looking for is important for sellers to remember as they position their property on the market.

Readiness to Sell in 2024

As you begin to think about selling your property in 2024, ask yourself, are you really ready to move? Do you know your key motivations for a move, your future goals, and the financial implications involved?

You’re not just planning to sell your property; you’re planning the next chapter of your life. Take time to prepare. Consider whether your personal goals are in sync with market realities so that when you do decide to sell, your decision is backed by a solid plan. By taking time to consider your move, you’ll have the best chance to sell your current house successfully.

For more food for thought, read our blog Should You Sell Your Property In Teddington Right Now...Or Wait?

7 Steps for Selling Your House in 2024

Here’s the best approach to get your house on the market smoothly…

1. Property Valuation

When you are ready to sell, first get an accurate property valuation. With this, you’re laying a foundation for a smooth selling process, as you’ll have a realistic assessment of your property’s worth in the current market. A well-informed valuation is critical to the selling process.

If you’re unsure about where to go to get your property valued, check out our detailed blog post: How We Value Your Property Differently From Other South West London Estate Agencies. You’ll find valuable information here to help you understand all the factors that impact valuation and how to maximise the potential of your property.

2. Choosing an Estate Agent

Once you have an accurate valuation, you need to find a great estate agent. Whoever you use, make sure they have extensive local knowledge and a strong reputation that will influence the success of your sale.

At Bartlett & Partners, our personalised service ensures your needs are met every step of the way. The emphasis we place on great marketing (including high-end visuals and a broad social media reach) sets your property apart.

If you need more information about how to choose an estate agency in South West London, see our article: How To Find The Right Estate Agent In Richmond, Twickenham And Teddington.

3. Preparing Your Home for the Market

Now you’ve got a great estate agent in your corner, it’s time to prepare your home to make a stunning impression on potential buyers. This means taking time to declutter, deep clean and possibly make minor repairs or touch-ups.

A well-presented home enhances its desirability and its potential sale value. If you need advice on staging your home to showcase its best features, you’ll find lots of tips and tricks in our blog post: Hints And Tips For Selling Your Home.

4. Marketing the Property

Effective marketing is vital to attract potential buyers and achieve the best sale price for your home. A strategic approach, using high-end videos, professional photography and an extensive reach on social media matters.

Does your estate agency excel in this area? Do your research. The more they use cutting-edge techniques to ensure your property stands out, the better. If you commit to high-quality marketing, you’ll gain maximum exposure and attract a wider range of interested buyers.

5. Arranging Viewings

You have lots of interested buyers, so what’s next? It’s time to let people into your home so they can view your property. Remember, it’s important to make sure they’re being shown around by knowledgeable agents who will showcase your home’s best features.

We recommend Bartlett and Partner’s unique approach, with longer viewings personally conducted by the directors of the company. That way, each viewing is tailored to highlight your property's appeal. We also advise holding open days and scheduled slots to generate interest and create a competitive atmosphere among potential buyers.

6. Confirming Offers and The Legal Process

Once viewings are completed and offers are made, the next step is to confirm these offers and proceed with the correct legal process. For this, you’ll need to choose the offer that’s right for you and engage with a reliable legal team who are experienced in conveyancing.

A swift and efficient legal process is critical to a smooth transaction. You can take a closer look at what’s involved in our piece: The Best Property Solicitors In South West London.

7. Completion and Moving

Reaching the completion stage is exciting but potentially nerve-wracking! It’s when you finalise your sale, arrange for moving companies, and get in touch with service providers like utilities and council tax to tell them you’re moving. There’s lots of good advice in this handy Moving Checklist.

The more organised and efficient you are at this final stage, the smoother the move to your new home will be! Don’t forget that we’re happy to assist at this stage with recommendations to make the process as stress-free as possible.

Making a Successful Move in 2024

2024 is going to see welcome changes to the property market, but understanding every part of the selling process is as important as ever. Organising accurate valuations, effective marketing, and a smooth legal process will significantly increase your chances of a successful sale.

At Bartlett & Partners, we're committed to helping our clients, with personalised, expert guidance and hands-on help - every step of the way. It’s our mission to make sure your selling experience is as smooth and financially rewarding as possible.

If you're considering selling your home in the Richmond area in 2024, why not start your journey with a free property valuation from Bartlett & Partners? Contact us today to find out how we can help you make your ideal move in the coming year!


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